Show Lowest Price in the Last X Days

This plugin is an easy-to-use solution to keep your prices in line with the new EU Omnibus Directive. The plugin keeps track of the running X-day lowest price for your products and shows it at your product and category page.

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Available from 99 EUR (excl VAT)

The “Show Lowest Price in the Last X Days” is a powerful and essential tool for using Woocommerce in EU

The Omnibus Directive is in place to combat businesses who falsely inflate prices before offering a discount, a tactic (known as “drip pricing”), in order to deceive consumers into purchasing a product or service.

The Show the lowest price in last x days plugin is designed to assist you to make your business compliant with the EU laws.

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For Slovenian users

“Woocommerce Vasco Integration” sinhronizira cene, zaloge in naročila med vašo spletno stranjo in Vasco računovodskim sistemom.

Z integracijo Woocommerce Vasco boste prihranili čas, zmanjšali napake in optimizirali svoje poslovanje. Ne zamudite priložnosti za izboljšanje učinkovitosti in natančnosti – začnite uporabljati Woocommerce Vasco integracijo danes!

Za povezavo med Vasco vtičnikom ne potrebujete znanja kode. Namestitev vam lahko opravimo tudi v našem podjetju.

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